Collaborate for Mutual Growth and New Opportunities

Alpha International Communication LLC is seeking partners to join us in various business areas, aiming to grow together and create new opportunities. We invite you to participate in the following programs and make a valuable contribution.

  1. Caregiving Personnel Recruitment Program:
    Refer skilled caregiving professionals for employment opportunities.
    Earn commissions for successful referrals.
    Overview of foreign recruitment business(Japanese)
  2. Overseas Real Estate Development & Sales:
    Introduce customers to our real estate projects in the Philippines.
    Receive commissions on successful property transactions.
  3. Unmanned Supermarket Business:
    Refer customers to our cutting-edge unmanned supermarkets or for online sales.
    Opportunities also exist for referring potential franchise store owners.
    Earn commissions based on sales or franchise agreements.
  4. Sharehouse Services in Collaboration with SHARE HOUSE180°:
    About SHARE HOUSE180
    Receive a predetermined commission for every successful tenant referral.

    Refer foreign residents to our sharehouse services, designed specifically for those interested in caregiving careers in Australia.
    The sharehouse provides English language training and introduces residents to caregiving opportunities in Australia.
    Receive a predetermined commission for every successful tenant referral.

We are dedicated to building long-lasting partnerships based on trust and mutual benefit. Your expertise and network can significantly contribute to our shared success. Join us in these exciting ventures and be a part of our global business expansion.

Commission Rates and Payment Terms for Each Program

  1. Caregiving Personnel Recruitment Program (Conditions)
    Commission: A flat rate of 15,000 Philippine Pesos (or alternatively, 30,000 JPY) per successful employment.
    Payment Terms: Payment to be made after the confirmation of the employment within a specified period.
  2. Overseas Real Estate Development & Sales Program (Conditions)
    Commission: 5% of the transaction amount upon successful sale or purchase.
    Payment Terms: Payment concurrent with the completion of the sale or as per the schedule outlined in the contract.
  3. Sharehouse Services Program
    Commission: In accordance with the regulations set by the Sharehouse Services company.
    Payment Terms: As per the Sharehouse Services company's established guidelines.

Sign up here