Supporting Your Global Journey from Melbourne


The Melbourne branch of Alpha International Communication was established with the mission of providing international educational support and fostering global talent. Located in the world-renowned academic city of Melbourne, we offer a range of services to meet the needs of students and professionals alike, providing the ideal environment for shaping their future.

Services Offered

  • Study Abroad Support for Prestigious Universities:
    We offer comprehensive study abroad support for those aiming to enroll in top universities in Melbourne and across Australia. From application procedures to visa acquisition and settling into life in Australia, we guide you through every step with care. Additionally, we provide plans for university visits in Melbourne, allowing you to experience the campus atmosphere firsthand and make an informed decision about your future academic path.
    • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University)
    • Deakin University
  • Internships and Work Experience:
    We offer opportunities to gain practical skills through internships and work experience in Melbourne. Leveraging our strong network with local companies, we provide valuable experiences that contribute to your career development. Our programs are designed to allow you to apply the knowledge you’ve acquired in real-world settings, ensuring a seamless transition from learning to practice.
  • Local Life Support:
    We provide comprehensive support to help you start your new life in Melbourne smoothly. From finding apartments to arranging essential items and offering emergency support, we ensure that you can adapt to your new environment with confidence. Additionally, we offer orientation and community engagement support to enrich your experience and help you make the most of your time in Melbourne.
  • Online English Conversation Lessons:
    Our flexible and effective online English conversation lessons are designed for students, working holiday participants, expatriates and their families, as well as immigrants. Our experienced instructors provide personalized coaching in business English, everyday conversation, and academic English, helping you develop communication skills that are recognized globally.


Our mission is to cultivate global leaders who will shine on the international stage. Through our Melbourne branch, we are fully committed to supporting talented individuals from around the world in realizing their full potential and achieving success in a global arena. By providing a rich academic environment and practical experiences, we aim to help you create a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Philosophy: Global Talent Development and Leadership Support

The philosophy of Alpha International Communication is to develop individuals who can excel in a global society and to support their leadership. Through education and practical experience, we aim to nurture individuals who understand diverse cultures and values from around the world and can act with a global perspective. Specifically, we focus on the following elements:

Global Talent Development and Leadership Support

  • Fostering Multicultural Understanding and Empathy
    We place great importance on nurturing the ability to understand and embrace different values, respecting the coexistence with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. By doing so, we enhance global communication skills and empathy, cultivating individuals who can demonstrate leadership in the international community.
  • Strengthening Practical Skills
    We emphasize not only theoretical knowledge but also the acquisition of skills through practical experience. At our Melbourne branch, we offer opportunities to develop the skills needed in real business environments through internships and work experiences, fostering the capabilities to become immediately effective contributors.
  • Contributing to a Sustainable Future
    We provide the knowledge and skills needed to address global challenges, nurturing individuals who can contribute to the realization of a sustainable future. This includes education that considers sustainability in all aspects—environmental, social, and economic.
  • Promoting Innovation and Creativity
    In today's rapidly changing society, innovation and creativity are essential. We encourage free thinking and flexible ideas, cultivating leaders who can generate new ideas and overcome challenges.

Vision: Building a Framework to Support Success in the International Community

Alpha International Communication envisions building a framework that enables everyone to succeed in the international community and to exercise leadership. To realize this vision, we have set the following goals:

Global Education, Leadership, and International Collaboration
  • Internationalization of Education and Expanded Access:
    We aim to expand access to international educational opportunities by providing high-quality education to people around the world. Through online lessons and study abroad support, we create an environment where everyone, regardless of location or background, can receive equal educational opportunities.
  • Strengthening the Global Network:
    We are committed to strengthening partnerships with educational institutions, businesses, and government agencies worldwide to build a robust global network. This network enables us to support students and professionals in building successful careers in the international community.
  • Development of Innovative Educational Programs:
    We develop and deliver innovative educational programs that respond to the changing times. These programs incorporate the latest technologies and teaching methods, ensuring that participants acquire cutting-edge knowledge and skills.
  • Promotion of Social Responsibility and Sustainability:
    We promote social responsibility and sustainability through education. By doing so, we empower students to take on global challenges with a sense of responsibility and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
  • Providing an Environment Where Everyone Can Lead:
    We provide an environment where all participants can maximize their abilities and take on leadership roles. Through personalized guidance and support that leverages individual strengths, we help each person contribute confidently to the international community.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Alpha International Communication is committed to providing the highest quality services to our participants by partnering with leading educational institutions and companies. We believe that a flexible and robust partnership framework is the key to supporting the success of each and every participant.

Strong Partnership with XL Education
We have established a strong partnership with XL Education, an organization with a proven track record in study abroad support in Australia. Through our collaboration with XL Education, we provide students with high-quality university placements, study abroad support, and local life assistance. This partnership ensures a clear path to success for everyone who utilizes the services of Alpha International Communication.

Expanding Our Partnership Framework
We constantly strive to achieve the best possible outcomes in providing global education and support services. To this end, flexible and diverse partnerships are essential. Alpha International Communication is committed to expanding our current partnership framework and building new collaborations with educational institutions and companies worldwide. Through these efforts, we aim to offer even more valuable learning experiences to our participants, further enhancing the development of individuals who can thrive on the global stage.

お気軽にお問い合わせください(Please feel free to contact us)+81 90 5817 4397/ +61 425 134 028/ +63 9530812742


Melbourne Branch - Facility Guide

お気軽にお問い合わせください(Please feel free to contact us)+81 90 5817 4397/ +61 425 134 028/ +63 9530812742


Melbourne Branch(East Tower at Melbourne Quarter)
628 Flinders St, Docklands VIC 3008